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Type: Sound
Title: Interview with Emeritus Professor Hugh Stretton – Historian and economist voted one of Australia’s 10 most influential public intellectuals
Issue Date: Nov-2006
Series/Report no.: Series 1345 Oral Histories and Interviews;
Abstract: Professor Hugh Stretton has been described as one of Australia’s most outstanding and compassionate social theorists, historians and public intellectuals, and his research focused primarily on safeguarding the economic and social wellbeing of workers, industry and communities through collaboration and sustainability. He played a key role in implementing integrated approaches to the evolution of industry, workplaces and workforces, and developed innovative methods for managing urban and housing policy and Town Planning. In conjunction with other stakeholders the University established the Stretton Centre in the City of Playford, where researchers aim to increase local employment opportunities in fast growing suburban centres so people can work closer to where they live.
Appears in Collections:Series 1345 Oral Histories and Interviews

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