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Type: Journal article
Title: Comparative study of sperm chromatin condensation in the excurrent ducts of the laboratory mouse Mus musculus and spinifex hopping mouse Notomys alexis
Author: Bauer, M.
Leigh, C.
Peirce, E.
Breed, W.
Citation: Reproduction Fertility and Development, 2005; 17(6):611-616
Publisher: C S I R O Publishing
Issue Date: 2005
ISSN: 1031-3613
Statement of
M. Bauer, C. Leigh, E. Peirce and W. G. Breed
Abstract: In most mammals, post-testicular sperm maturation is completed in the caput and corpus epididymides, with storage occurring in the cauda epididymides. However, in the spinifex hopping mouse, Notomys alexis, epididymal sperm transit is rapid and some sperm storage occurs in the distal region of the vas deferens. The aim of the present study was to determine whether the rapid progression of sperm into the vas deferens in the hopping mouse results in late sperm maturation. To determine this, sperm nuclei from the epididymides and vasa deferentia of laboratory and hopping mice were compared for: (1) thiol content after staining with monobromobimane (mBBr); (2) chromatin resistance to acid denaturation following incubation with acetic alcohol and staining with acridine orange; and (3) chromatin resistance to in vitro decondensation after incubation with 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). It was found that, whereas laboratory mouse sperm completed chromatin condensation by the time they reached the cauda epididymidis, hopping mouse sperm nuclei from the vas deferens showed significantly less mBBr fluorescence and a greater proportion of sperm were resistant to decondensation with SDS than those in the cauda epididymidis. Therefore, the results of the present study indicate that, unlike in the laboratory mouse, hopping mouse chromatin condensation of spermatozoa continues in the vas deferens and this may be due, at least in part, to rapid epididymal transit.
Keywords: sperm maturation
vas deferens
Description: Copyright © 2005 CSIRO
DOI: 10.1071/RD05027
Published version:
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